Too Much Light?

A forum for discussing everything about the Supershrimp (Halocaridina rubra, Opae ula).

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Too Much Light?

Post by JMacri »

I set this tank up in November of 23', so a little over a year now and I still have at least 8 of my original shrimp, however two of them have always been translucent and are very rarely seen but the ones that are red do seem happy and are swimming around and eating most of the time.

I am writing to see if anyone has advice to keep the plant life alive and if I should be worried that the snails have also perished. I tested all the parameters, no nitrates, nitrites or ammonia and ph is 7.8 and salinity is 1.015. As you can see there is green growth but the algae and moss ball I bought seem to have all died.

I use a Fluval wing nano marine light and my theory is it was too intense for the plant life and maybe the snails too? I had it on a preset which was about 60% intensity and fluctuated throughout the day to imitate the movement of the sun and some cloud cover on for 12 hours with 12 hours of nighttime. I since have turned it down to roughly 20% with the same 12 hours. My house is normally around 65 degrees.

I am just worried about the longevity of the ecosystem if the plants are dyeing. I did just order some more snails and another microalgae and plan to take out the old dead ones but am eager if anyone can offer some additional advice. Also the spots of gray/white on the ground are from the pellets that I drop in there. I rarely do put them in there because they never seem to eat it all and it turns into that dust that I can't pick out without disturbing allot of the substrate which I am hesitant to do because I don't want to stress my colony out.

Thanks in advance from me and the boys
My poor little moss ball
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Re: Too Much Light?

Post by Mustafa »

Yes, a marine tank led will pretty much kill every plant in your tank, as it already did. You only need an LED that's about 4-8 watts. I'd err on the side of caution and just get a 4-5 watt light. You don't need anything fancy or aquarium specific any household LED will do. Also, see this thread for some additional information:

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