Berried shrimp chased by other shrimp

A forum for discussing everything about the Supershrimp (Halocaridina rubra, Opae ula).

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Berried shrimp chased by other shrimp

Post by hydride »

Hi friends, I have this weird situation in which one of my shrimp appears to have become berried and is carrying at least one of the eggs outside the body. There are only two shrimp in this very tiny tank.

The other one occasionally chases the berried one in a way I’ve never seen them do. The berried one flees. Should I attempt to separate them, like with a cleaned and rinsed divider?

Is there anything else I can do to maximize survival chances should the eggs hatch?


Full details: these two are from an ecosphere breakout that was reasonably traumatic, injuring one. As such I have kept them in a larger tank with slightly more water, but am too afraid of calcium carbonate mismatch to add much water. I have added some chaeto. If the eggs hatch successfully, I will likely wait for them to grow then add some calcium rocks and water from another tank.
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