Please help! Crayfish not eating, legs look necrotic

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Please help! Crayfish not eating, legs look necrotic

Post by CloudPrincess111 »

My buddy Falcon has been looking really bad for a while now. I had thought it was because I recently relocated him but I'm realizing that he has these dark splotches across his legs and one of this legs has completely broken down. He hasn't eaten much of any food I have given him for weeks now and I don't know why. It seems like he gets really excited about food and grasps around for it but doesn't always recognize it when he touches it and sometimes he'll just drop the food and walk away from it without eating any. He hasn't molted in over a year. I have no idea what to do, please please someone tell me what I'm doing wrong. He's only about 3 years old and his breeder told me he should live for 5 so it shouldn't be that. Here's a picture where you can see his claws which have the dark scarring/necrotic look like his leg did. It's hard to get a picture of his leg but it basically just broke off halfway down and there's a big dark spot there now.
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Re: Please help! Crayfish not eating, legs look necrotic

Post by Mustafa »

Unfortunately when crayfish are in this state already, they are doomed. There really isn't much you can do at this point.
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Re: Please help! Crayfish not eating, legs look necrotic

Post by lucky644 »


I had this same problem with a Crayfish, it died a couple months later.

Do you know what caused this?

Same thing...Excited for food....grabs it but never eats it, and wanders off. Same 'rusty' coloured spots.

Just curious so I know what it is if it ever happens again.
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Re: Please help! Crayfish not eating, legs look necrotic

Post by Mustafa »

I'm not sure about the exact could be infectious disease or just an accumulation of "damage" over time due to unsuitable water parameters/ammonia etc..