I'm a newbie when it comes to shrimp. I've kept a few glass shrimp in the past, but only as part of a cleanup crew and never as the main display/species.
I'm thinking of keeping a vampire shrimp with a few cherry shrimps and otocinclius(sp) in a heavily planted 6 gallon tank. I understand that this may be crowded, but i'm hoping that the sheer number of plants will provide adequate filtration and cover for the inabitants.
However, I'm not quite sure how much feeding the vampire shrimp would need. For instance, if they require a constant supply of food in the water column, i.e. very cloudy water, I definitely wouldn't be housing them in a 6 gallon. I plan on feeding it Hikari first bites, but if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be glad to hear it
welcome Michael. unfortunately, i have no exp with vampire shrimp. i'm sure someone else can help you, tho. but, as i'm sure everyone on this forum will agree, shrimp are amazing creatures and fun to watch! good luck with ur vampires.
I would recommend against keeping Atya species (such as the "Vampire Shrimp") in anything less than at least a 20 gallon. These shrimp get to be 5-7 inches long and very bulky when fully grown. A 6 gallon is just too small. Also, they need pretty heavy water circulation in the tank so they can actually filter microorganisms and micro-debris out of the water. This can hardly be done in a 6 gallon.